Media clips, newspaper cuttings
Media and News Radio Interview 28 July
01:26:00 - 01:31:30 Rachel Searle and Graham Jones from the Big Blake Project speak to Simon Jenkins from BBC Sussex about Blake's link with Felpham, West Sussex more »

The Campaign for Blake's Cottage Features in the New York Times
Read the full article by following this link “Our plan, our dream, is to raise enough money to buy the house and make it a center for Blake and all that he stood for,” said Adriana Díaz Enciso, secretary of the Blake Society. “We do not want to create a museum. Instead we will open its doors to paying visitors... read more »

Guardian: 10 best works
An angel floats above Blake in the garden of his thatched cottage in Felpham, Sussex, his home from 1800 to 1803: “Away to sweet Felpham, for Heaven is there/ The ladder of Angels descends through the air,” he wrote. Only two of the nine properties in which he lived have survived.The Blake Society is fundraising to buy this house, where he is reputed to... read more »

Observer Article : Artist celebrates Sussex Links
Chris Price's unique and beautiful map was created to celebrate William Blake's links to the Bognor Regis area. The stunning map is available to Observer readers for free and links the town centre to green spaces and those 'banks of the ocean' which inspired the poet and mystic. Permission for the map which draws connections between the town and the mystic was obtained for... read more »
BBC: South Today: Saving Blake's Cottage
Rachel Searle interviewed by Sean Killick about the Blake's Societies plans for Blake's Cottage. The short clip contains shots inside and outside the cottage and begins with poetry Blake wrote whilst in Felpham. Away to sweet Felpham, for Heaven is there; The Ladder of Angels descends thro’ the air; On the turret its spiral does softly descend, Thro’ the village... read more »
Observer Feature Centre Spread (+ gallery)
Jerusalem was sung at the station by St Wilfreds Choir Saturday 15 November, to mark the publication of the new Blake Trail map. Later the Bersted Air Scouts had fun building the Bognor-Felpham Blake trail with Angel Stickers. The famous song, whose words were penned by Blake echoed around the Bognor Station's concourse to the delight of railway passengers. The stunning map by Chris... read more »

Interview with Will Harvey and Rachel Searle Intelligence HQ
A short film by Maria Lusitano. more »
BiteBack: The Sunday Times
Biteback article published by Richard Brooks published 2 November 2014. "Come on, all you fans of William Blake. Dip your hands into your pockets to help buy the house in Felpham, West Sussex, where he lived from 1800 - 1803. The Blake Society struck a deal in the spring with the family who had owned the property for the past 86 years, to turn... read more »

A short film for the Big Blake Project - by Philip Davidson
A short film by Philip Davidson about William Blake and his more »

Independent July 2014 - William Blakes Cottage for Sale
Charlotte Cripps wrote about "Felpham’s green and pleasant house, home to those feet in ancient times."...... "When it came on the market last July, neither the English Heritage nor the National Trust stepped in to save it for the nation, as they have done for countless other important homes and buildings. But the Blake Society, which was terrified of an imminent sale, asked the owner... read more »