The Blake Society Tithe Grant Award

Modern day Aphorism 2014
The winner from the international competition judged by Stephen Fry was local author & resident Beryl Kingston. Her winning aphorism:
" The Award was officially announced at the opening lecture of the Felpham Blake Festival in West Sussex on 19 September 2014.
As entries were open to anyone, and judged anonymously, the winner could have come from anywhere in the world, but by chance, Beryl Kingston lives just a mile or so away in Bognor Regis – an extraordinary example of serendipity.
Beryl, unknowing she had won, was sitting in the audience to attend the lecture when the announcement was made. She received the news with joy
'It is the first prize I have ever won!’ For more information about the winner,
- please see Beryl Kingston’s website "
- Quoted from