George Szirtes announced as Judge for 2015 Prize.

In partnership with the University of Chichester the Big Blake Project is delighted to announce that George Szirtes will be the Judge of the 2015 William Blake Poetry Prize.
The Prize Winner will have the chance to perform their poem on 19 September at Celebration of Blake event in London. We are thrilled that George will be there to present the prize as well as performing his own previously unpublished poems that have also been been inspired by Blake. The winner will be presented with the 2015 cup and £200.
The competition is for an unpublished short poem that has been inspired by Blake. The dead-line for entries is the 2 September and poems must be no longer than 24 lines. No more than 2 poems per entrants. Entrants using social media must follow or like the Big Blake Project and use the #WilliamBlake2015 to ensure successful entry.
- Please follow this link to buy tickets for this event