The William Blake Poetry Prize Rules- 2015

Competition Rules- 2015
NB- these have provided here to allow entrants of future competitor a guide to previous rule - please note however these may change, without notice, for each compition held.
- Closing date of the competition is midnight on September 2nd 2015
- The Competition is open to anyone over the age of 18, other than Big Blake Project committee members or University Staff
- Poems must have a title and must be no more than 24 lines, excluding the title, and no more than a half a page of A4.
- Poems must be the original work of the entrant and must not have been selfpublished, or published on any web-site, or broadcast.
- Poems are judged anonymously so the poet’s name, address etc., MUST NOT appear on the poem.
- Poems sent as attachment files should be sent to and sent as PDF's. They may also be sent to the Facebook or Twitter accounts of the Big Blake Project.
- Poems must be written in English.
- Poems sent on twitter will need to follow the Big Blake Project or in the case of face-book like the Big Blake Project face-book page. No corrections can be made to poems entered,
- Entries cannot be returned.
- If you require confirmation that your postal entry has arrived please enclose a stamped addressed postcard marked ‘Acknowledgement’.
- Copyright of each poem remains with the poet but by entering the competition you give the Big Blake Project and The University of Chichester the right to publish the winning poems both online and in printed media.
- The judge’s decision is final and neither she nor the organisers will enter into any correspondence.
- Prizewinners will be notified not later than September 12 2015.
- The list of finalists will be published on The Big Blake Project website in October 2015.
- The competition organisers reserve the right to change the judge without notice and not to award prizes if in the judge’s opinion such an action is justified.